What is the price of PI in India 2024?
I want to know the price of PI in India in the year 2024. Could you please tell me how much it would cost?

Is cryptocurrency legal in India in 2024?
In 2024, the legal status of cryptocurrency in India remains unclear, with the government and central bank not giving any recognition to it. While some government officials have stated that cryptocurrency is not legal in India, there are no explicit laws banning it either. The industry operates in a gray area, with investors and businesses facing legal and regulatory uncertainties.

How much tax on gold in India in 2024?
In 2024, India made significant changes to its gold import tariffs, reducing them from 15% to 6% in late July. This move was aimed at stimulating gold demand in the country, which is the second-largest consumer of gold in the world. The tariff reduction was expected to lower the cost of gold and boost consumption, particularly during peak buying seasons such as weddings and festivals.

How cryptocurrencies are taxed in India in 2024?
Good day, I'm curious about the taxation of cryptocurrencies in India come 2024. Can you elaborate on the current stance of the Indian government towards taxing digital currencies? Are there any specific laws or regulations that have been enacted or are in the pipeline for the upcoming year? Additionally, how does the taxation process differ for individuals and businesses engaging in crypto transactions? And lastly, are there any tax exemptions or reliefs available for crypto investors in India? Thank you in advance for shedding light on this matter.